I first touched clay when I was in high school in Lancaster, PA. The potter's wheel allowed me to work with my hands in an incredibly direct way, and I liked the idea that my handmade pot could become a part of someone else's life. For two years, my high school art teacher, Dick Ressel, challenged me with questions and projects. Because of his influence, I ended up pursuing BFA in ceramics at Penn State University under Chuck Aydlett, David Dontigny and Chris Staley. I received my MFA from San Diego State University where I studied under Richard Burkett and Joanne Hayakawa.
All of my instructors worked with clay in vastly different ways. They asked questions about what I wanted to make, why I wanted to make it, how I wanted to make it, and how I wanted people to interact with my work. The diversity of the questioning profoundly shaped my thinking and influences me to this day. My work has been exhibited in Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and in galleries and museums across the United States. I have been working in clay for more than 30 years and I continue to find it deeply rewarding. |
- Quiet Pots
- CHS Teacher - A Day in the Life - Education - Exhibitions and Shows - Permanent Collections - Awards and Honors - Employment/Teaching Experience - Professional Experience - Publications |