The San Diego Community lost a wonderful potter, a good friend, and an amazing human being this month to cancer. Ed Thompson passed away earlier this month. Ed had given a two day workshop last year at my high school and the kids were simply blown away. After watching Ed throw large beautiful thin walled forms that seemed to defy gravity I asked him how he managed to throw these seemingly impossible forms. He described a subtle shift in hand placement to me that I had never heard of. I made this adjustment when I was throwing and I began to throw larger forms that had previously eluded me. I was very lucky to have a large jar of mine included in The 2010 Strictly Functional Pottery National this year. That jar went on to win the People's Choice Award and I know that I never would have been able to make it without the guidance of Ed Thompson.
Thank you Ed and rest in peace my friend.
Thank you Ed and rest in peace my friend.