It has been a busy year. In the spring I had an opportunity to work with wood again. I took a Sam Maloof rocking chair class. I went to Tule Peak Timber in Temecula, CA. They only carry responsibly harvested woods that are a product of beetle kill, fire damage, windfall, or private property removal.
I picked out some Claro Walnut that I really liked.
It was a challenge to work with but I am thrilled with the way the chair looks.
The chair is fully assembled and functional at this point.
It is far from finished and I already have over 100 hours in this chair.
I still need to finish the rasping the form of the rockers.
Then I have hours and hours of finish sanding and many coats of oil to apply.
I picked out some Claro Walnut that I really liked.
It was a challenge to work with but I am thrilled with the way the chair looks.
The chair is fully assembled and functional at this point.
It is far from finished and I already have over 100 hours in this chair.
I still need to finish the rasping the form of the rockers.
Then I have hours and hours of finish sanding and many coats of oil to apply.